Single Slot Payphones
Displaying results 81 through 107 of 107 Single Slot Payphones
New England Tel Co loc A-5
Nortel Millennium Payphone
Northern Electric Centurion
Northern Telecom NTDC70AM loc E3
Northwestern Bell, Nebraska 1C loc UP6
Ohil Bell Early Touch Tone loc E5
PTS Chrome Richmond VA City Hall loc UP2
PTS The End Of The Line loc UB73
Pacific Bell 3A Dollar Payphone loc E-8
Pacific Bell Anaheim loc A-7
Pacific Bell From San Fransisco loc UB52
Pacific Bell Los Angeles loc B-7
Pacific Bell Stockton Green 1C loc C-7
Pacific Bell loc A-1
Qwest 1D Portland OR loc C-3
SNET 10 cent Green loc B-2
SNET 25 cent loc B-8
SNET Farmington Ct loc UB41
South Central Bell St Charles Ky loc UB31
Southwestern Bell Early 1C loc UB23
Southwestern Bell From Texas 1C
Southwestern Bell Kansas City loc A-4
Verizon 1D Magestic Theater
Verizon NYC Subway loc UB14
Verizon New York In loc Boothette
Washing DC 1C loc D-8
Wisconsin Telephone Co. Milwaukee 1C loc UP5