Gray 150KJ

Published: 3/25/2014

The Gray150KJ is very similar to the 150GJ in it's story. It was a conversion from an earlier model 2 piece phone with separate transmitter and receiver. It most likely started life as a 150K. An early Gray handset hook replaced the one for the receiver and an AE 1A type handset was added. Since the instruction card holder was used to cover the dial opening it wasn't available to cover the transmitter mounting holes, 3 slot less bolts fill them. The removal of the transmitter from the front of the phone prompted the need to to add a signal transmitter to the inside. It is attached to a bracket mounted to the coin chute. This transmitter picks up the sounds of the coins being dropped as they hit the coin gong and bell for the operator's benefit. The entire housing of the paystation is made of steel. The coin gauge (slots) is the early bronze type. The vault door lock is a 10L and the lock that attaches the upper housing is a E-10-E which uses a flat key. Inside the vault area is an open top coin receptacle. The phone is set up for manual operation meaning all the functions (collecting money and connecting calls) was handled by the operator. There is no coin relay, the hopper directs coins dropped directly into the coin box.